as though it were a priceless Picasso. Valerie immediately curled up to try to cover her nakedness in front of these newcomers.


However, she was not swift enough, "Man, what a looker that chick is. She's a little old, but she's really put together, Earl, smiling, with lust in his voice.

Wow! Come to think

"That chick, Earl, is Miss Dickens, our French teacher. I never thought I'd ever see that prude without clothese of it, I never thought I'd even see her a sweater," marveled Sylvia. "You've got to tell us all about this.

As Barbara closed the door, Earl protested, "Man, aren't you gonna give us a longer taste than that. That chick is smokin" Earl's eyes, however, being deprived of the view of Valerie, turned to Barbara, who made no effort to zip up her leotard and exhibited no self-consciousness in face of Earl's lecherous stares.

"What we are doing is giving the teacher a lesson, in obedience. She has been kind enough to share her wisdom with us in French. The least that we can do is to reciprocate." Sylvia giggled, as Barbara spoke. "She is being taught that she must obey our every whim and caprice We are the masters. Phe is the slave. It is this kind of thinking that we are instilling in her. Of course, sophisticated educational tools must be used.

But we are up to it.

"Wow!" exclaimed Sylvia. "Who would have thought? Miss Dickens. She is the most aloof teacher in the entire school. Nobody gets near


"You will be quite surprised how near we got. I might say that it is impossible that anyone could get any nearer," laughed Barbara.

"I'll betcha I can," shot back Earl.

"I think that Earl's got a thing for that old lady," laughed Sylvia.

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